Earthworks WNC

Author name: sagar

tree stump removal chips

Conserve Water and Keep Trees Healthy with Effective Mulching Techniques

Maintaining trees’ health, beauty, and safety on your property is crucial, especially during droughts. California residents are keen on conserving water as the warm season arrives and rain becomes scarce. But how can you keep trees healthy and hydrated while also saving water? The answer is Mulch. Applying Mulch is a simple way to support

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Restoring Oversaturated Soil for a Healthy Home Landscape

Achieving the best possible growth for your plants in your home landscape requires good soil. However, several factors can prevent plants from thriving in nutrient-rich, organic soil with balanced pH. One such issue is soil retaining excessive water. Over-watering, faulty irrigation systems, soil type, terrain, heavy rain, flooding, or a high water table can lead

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4 Effective Strategies for Safeguarding Your Trees from Rodents and Deer

Trees bring pleasure and numerous benefits to homeowners but can also attract various animals that can cause damage. Squirrels, deer, and other wildlife may be enjoyable to watch but can also harm your trees. Protecting your trees from these creatures is essential to prevent lasting damage.  In this article, we discuss four methods for safeguarding

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What Can Arborists Do For You?

Certified arborists specialize in maintaining the health and well-being of various tree and shrub species. These experts undergo rigorous training and continuously update their knowledge in arboriculture science, technology, and best practices. At Earthworks Tree Services, Inc, our certified arborists provide various services to create tailored care plans for your trees, shrubs, and woody plants, ensuring

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How Trees Affect Water Quality

Forests and trees are widely known for their role in purifying the air by removing pollutants and harmful particles. However, their role in preserving the quality of our water sources is often overlooked. Water is a crucial global resource that is essential for our survival. Regrettably, human activities are degrading the quality of the water

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The Importance of Forests

Have you ever wondered what the significance of forests is for humans, animals, and the planet’s overall well-being? From the oxygen we breathe to some foods we enjoy, let’s delve into the six crucial aspects that demonstrate why robust forests are crucial for a healthy Earth. 1. Forests Improve Our Air Quality Forests play a

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