Earthworks WNC

Top Signs It’s Time To Remove A Tree From Your Property

Trees are beautiful and provide many benefits to our environment and our homes. They offer shade, oxygen, and wildlife habitats. However, there may come a time when a tree on your property has outlived its usefulness and needs to be removed.

It is important to remember that tree removal is only sometimes the first option. If the tree can be saved with proper care, it is always better to keep it. But, if the tree is dead, dying, or poses a danger to your property or the people around it, then removal may be necessary.

Is the Tree Dying?

When determining whether a tree needs to be removed, there are a few key signs to look out for. One of the most obvious signs is if the tree is dead or dying. If the tree has no leaves or the leaves are brown and withered, the tree is likely dead. In addition, if there are cracks or holes in the trunk or mushrooms are growing on the tree’s base, these are signs that the tree is dead or dying and should be removed.

A Leaning Tree

Another sign that a tree may need to be removed is if it is leaning. If a tree has a lean greater than 15 degrees, it may be at risk of falling and should be removed. This is particularly important if the tree is near a home, a driveway, or a busy street. If the tree is leaning towards a structure, it can cause damage or injury if it falls.

Causing Damage to your Property

A third sign that a tree may need to be removed is if it is causing damage to your property. If roots are pushing up sidewalks or foundations or branches are scratching against your home or car, it is time to remove the tree. In addition, if a tree’s branches are blocking a window or a chimney, it can cause problems with ventilation and light.


Another sign that a tree may need to be removed is if it is diseased. Common tree diseases include Dutch elm disease, oak wilt, and anthracnose. If a tree has a disease, it can spread to other trees in your yard and cause damage to your entire landscape. If you suspect that your tree may have a disease, it is important to have it evaluated by a tree removal specialist to determine the best course of action.

Hollowed Out or Decayed Areas

If a tree has hollowed out or decayed areas in the trunk or major branches, this can indicate a significant structural weakness and potential safety hazard. A hollowed-out trunk or branches can make the tree more susceptible to falling in high winds or heavy rain. It can also provide a home for pests and diseases that can further weaken the tree. If a tree has a lot of decay, it may be best to remove it before it causes damage or injury.

Multiple Trunks

Another sign that a tree may need to be removed is if it has multiple trunks growing too close together. Trees with multiple trunks that are too close together can be more prone to falling in high winds or heavy rain. In addition, the trunks can rub against each other, causing damage to the bark and making the tree more susceptible to pests and diseases. This can also indicate a structural weakness and potential safety hazard. If a tree has multiple trunks that are too close together, it may be best to remove it before it causes damage or injury.


Deadwood is defined as branches that are dead, dying, or diseased. If a tree has a lot of deadwood, it can indicate that it is not healthy and may need to be removed. Deadwood can make the tree more susceptible to falling in high winds or heavy rain. It can also provide a home for pests and diseases that can further weaken the tree. If a tree has a lot of deadwood, it may be best to remove it before it causes damage or injury.

Infestations or Fungus Growth

If a tree has a lot of insect infestations or fungus growth, this can be a sign that the tree is not healthy and may need to be removed. Insects and fungus can cause significant damage to a tree and can weaken the tree making it more susceptible to falling in high winds or heavy rain. If a tree has a lot of insect infestations or fungus growth, it may be best to remove it before it causes damage or injury.

Causing an Obstruction

Finally, if a tree is causing an obstruction, it may need to be removed. This can include blocking sunlight from reaching your home, which can cause problems with indoor lighting, air conditioning, and heating. When a tree blocks too much sunlight, it can also cause mold growth, making it difficult to grow plants in your garden. If you’re paying for electricity, you don’t want to pay extra to light up your home when there’s a perfectly good sun outside. A tree that blocks too much sunlight can also cause damage to your furniture and floors. Sunlight can cause fading and discoloration of fabrics, and it can cause warping of wood floors.

On the other hand, if a tree is blocking views of a beautiful landscape, it can also be a nuisance. Imagine you buy a house with a view of a beautiful mountain or a lake, and then a tree starts growing and blocks your view. That’s something you want to avoid dealing with. A beautiful view can increase your property value and make your home more enjoyable to live in. A tree that blocks your view can also make it difficult to sell your property if you decide to move.

In both cases, it might be best to remove the tree, so you can enjoy the natural light and the beautiful view you were promised.

Causing Damage

If a tree is causing damage to underground utilities or pipes, it may need to be removed to prevent further damage. Tree roots can infiltrate underground pipes and cause cracks, breaks, and leaks. If left unaddressed, this can lead to costly repairs and even more costly water damage to your property. Tree roots can also cause damage to underground electrical lines, leading to power outages and even fires.

Additionally, if tree roots have grown into underground pipes, they can clog and obstruct water and sewage flow, leading to backups and flooding. This can be a major health hazard and can cause unpleasant odors.

Moreover, if a tree is causing damage to underground utilities or pipes, it can also cause damage to the tree itself. Roots that are growing into pipes can cause the tree to lean or become unstable. This can lead to further damage and even death of the tree.

In short, if a tree is causing damage to underground utilities or pipes, it’s important to address the issue as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Removing the tree before it causes further damage is often the best course of action. It’s important to work with a professional tree removal specialist who can assess the situation and safely remove the tree while minimizing damage to your property and the surrounding area.

Trust Tree Removal Experts

When it comes to tree removal, it is essential to trust the experts. A professional tree removal specialist will have the knowledge, equipment, and experience to safely and effectively remove the tree. They will also have the necessary insurance to protect you and your property in case of accidents.

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Dear Neighbors - We are helping as many people with their trees during this difficult time. Currently, we are able to focus on North Asheville, Weaverville and East Asheville.

If you are in our current service area, the best way to reach us is by text at 828-774-1984.

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Please provide as much information about your location and your needs.

We will do our best to help you as soon as we can.

Be safe. 

-Joe, Merissa and the rest of the Earthworks team.